Bridging the gap between individual and team performance

An illustration showing a balanced scale with 'Individual Performance' on one side and 'Team Performance' on the other, connected by a bridge. In the background, there are business-related elements such as charts, graphs, and a team working collaboratively in a modern office setting.

Through my experience working for several international companies, my performance was evaluated based on the overall team, not on the value I individually brought to the team. Despite my significant contributions, my efforts often went unrecognized because the company policies prioritized team performance over individual achievements.

One notable instance was when I was hired to plan and deploy infosec policies and tools, which had been shelved for two years. I successfully sold the infosec project to those who initially shelved it and implemented it in the EMEA region within 10 months, complete with all ISO 27001 documentation. My methods were so well-documented that they were replicated in the U.S., where five different PMs were used for the project deployment. Despite these accomplishments, my contributions were not acknowledged, and promises of recognition were not fulfilled because the organization’s policy focused on team performance. My individual efforts were overshadowed due to the manager’s prerogative in recognition assignment.

This pattern repeated in other instances, where I delivered record-breaking projects on time while others failed, yet the rewards did not reflect my efforts. Such experiences led me to pursue an entrepreneurial lifestyle, where I could better control how individual contributions are recognized and rewarded.

However, the question remains: How can organizations measure teams and individuals in a way that drives excellence? Many executives have realized that process-focused, multifunctional teams can dramatically improve how their companies deliver products and services to customers. However, most executives have not yet realized that many managers don’t know how to use their performance measurement systems to fulfill the promises of individuals and their respective teams.

Senior executives and managers should also protect the team from spending too much time collecting data and monitoring activities, ensuring they have sufficient time to work on their respective projects. Throughout my career, I have observed multiple teams and entire companies wasting time in pointless meetings discussing the mechanics of measurement systems instead of focusing on execution.

Many managers fail to realize that result measures like profits, market share, and cost, while useful for keeping score on business performance, do not help multifunctional teams or organizations monitor the activities or capabilities that enable them to perform a given process. Nor do such measures tell team members what they must do to improve their performance.

The path to bridging the gap:

Empowering individuals and teams

Tools like TRIPA empower individuals and teams by providing insights that support measuring their own progress and contributing to the design of measurement systems. By involving team members in the process, they become more engaged and accountable for their performance.

Talent identification and development

TRIPA helps identify talent and provide performance-related insights through psychometric analysis and peak performance methodologies. It focuses on individual strengths and developmental needs, ensuring that each team member is in a role that leverages their inherent talents.

Comprehensive analytics

TRIPA provides deep insights into workforce trends and potential risks through descriptive and predictive analytics. This allows managers to foresee and address issues before they become significant problems.

Personalize training and development

By offering personalized training recommendations for individual learning needs and career growth, TRIPA supports continuous skill development and alignment with organizational goals.

Aligned objectives

TRIPA helps align individual and team objectives with the organization’s goals. Teams can work more cohesively and effectively by ensuring that everyone understands how their work contributes to the broader mission.

Efficient use of time

Senior executives and managers should protect teams from spending excessive time on data collection and monitoring activities. TRIPA automates many of these processes, allowing team members to focus on their core responsibilities and project execution.

Actionable insights

The insights provided by TRIPA enable executives and managers to reflect on their basic operating assumptions and adapt their measurement systems accordingly. This ensures that performance metrics remain relevant and supportive of both individual and team success.

Case studies

To illustrate the effectiveness of TRIPA’s approach, here are a few case studies demonstrating real-world applications and outcomes:

Resolving team conflict:

A financial institution resolved internal team conflict using TRIPA’s behavioral insights, leading to increased cohesion and productivity. Read more

Transforming QC (Quality Control):

A European pharmaceutical company eliminated quality issues by aligning talents with roles, significantly improving quality control. Read more

Sales performance boost:

A seasoned sales team revitalized their performance and increased revenue through TRIPA’s personalized training and analytics. Read more

TRIPA helps executives, managers, and HR professionals identify, nurture, and develop talent while automating many of their activities and data collection processes, creating efficient and effective multifunctional teams. By leveraging these insights, organizations can ensure that both individuals and teams are recognized for their contributions, fostering an environment where everyone is motivated to excel. This approach not only improves morale but also drives overall organizational success.

By implementing a holistic performance measurement system supported by TRIPA’s insights, organizations can bridge the gap between individual and team performance. This ensures that contributions are recognized and rewarded appropriately, aligning personal achievements with team goals and overall business objectives. Such a system promotes a culture of continuous improvement, where employees feel valued and empowered to take initiative. As a result, organizations experience increased productivity, innovation, and sustained growth.

Ultimately, embracing TRIPA’s comprehensive, people-centric approach to talent management leads to a more cohesive, motivated, and high-performing workforce, driving long-term success and competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Makes the invisible visible.